Policies A-Z
Access & Soliciting: Blocking access to the building or its materials is prohibited. The library does not allow soliciting, campaigning, or petitioning for any purpose. With the approval of the director, signs or flyers for community organizations or events may be posted.
Alcohol: Alcohol consumption is prohibited on library grounds except with prior board approval. Moderation is expected. All applicable federal, state and local laws must be obeyed.
Animals: The library welcomes certified service animals. With staff permission, well-behaved pets on a short leash may be allowed for brief visits.
Behavior: Anyone, member or visitor, engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with operation of the library will be directed to leave the building and grounds, whether temporarily or for a longer-term. Disruptive conduct that inhibits the use of the library by others will be addressed by library staff, e.g.
● Threatening, lewd or abusive behavior
● Carrying any weapons apart from those used by on duty law enforcement
● Drug use including smoking or vaping
● Damaging or misusing library property
● Activity in violation of applicable laws or library policies
The library encourages people of all ages to visit the library. Regardless of age, all people who visit the library are expected to adhere to the same standards of conduct, including children and young people. Parents, guardians and caregivers are responsible for the appropriate supervision, safety, and behavior of minors, not library staff.
Collection: The collection contains popular adult, teen and children’s fiction and nonfiction and books about Maine. Materials are selected to support the varied interests of members. Materials remain part of the active collection depending on available space, condition, currency of information, and frequency of use. Members are advised that not all materials will appeal to everyone. Responsibility for a child’s reading selections rests solely with the parent or guardian.
Should a member formally object to the presence or absence of any library material, the complaint will be addressed by the library. Any complainant will be supplied with the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form and offered the opportunity to have their concerns heard. The library director will convene a committee to examine the item in question in line with ALA best practices. Materials subject to complaint shall not be removed from use pending final action. All material challenges will be handled in a confidential manner.
Donations and Gifts: The library welcomes donations of materials and financial support. Gifts of books and all tangible items are accepted with the understanding that the library may add them to the collection at its discretion. Materials not added to library collections may be used for programs or sold to generate funds to support the library.
Electricity access: Members may use outlets provided to power their personal devices. Please prevent tripping hazards.
Food: Drinks and snacks are welcome in most areas of the library. Members are asked to clean up after themselves.
Group and Meeting Room Use: Meetings are permitted pending approval of a Meeting Room Group Use form. Library sponsorship of, or permission to hold, any meeting, presentation or other use of any facility does not mean that the library supports, endorses, or advocates any view expressed therein. The library will not allow revenue-generating activities hosted by for-profit entities on the premises. While there is no fee for use of the library, please be aware that the library does incur additional expenses. If groups who use the library’s meeting rooms are able, we ask that they please consider a tax-deductible donation to help defray these costs. A lost key will result in a charge of $25. Cleaning, if required, will be billed at $35 per hour.
Home Delivery: If a need arises for home delivery, please contact the library. Deliveries may be made depending on volunteer availability.
Interlibrary Loan: Items may be requested if available. Contact the library for more information.
Internet and Computer Use:
All patrons are asked to meet these expectations for using the library’s resources:
○ Use library computer resources and network for lawful purposes only.
○ Do not tamper with library computers, systems or settings in any way.
○ Exercise safety measures when using email, chat rooms, social media, or other electronic communications. The library is a public space and privacy is not guaranteed.
○ Respect intellectual property rights when accessing copyrighted materials.
Library Association: Somesville Library Association is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) association which operates as a library open to the public. It is governed by a board of trustees, which meets bimonthly with an annual meeting in September. The library’s operations are funded by gifts, a yearly book sale, grants, and a small annual appropriation from the town of Mount Desert. The library observes applicable standards and policies of the American library Association such as the ALA Code of Ethics, Library Bill of Rights, and Freedom to Read Statement.
People who live or work on Mount Desert Island and surrounding towns are welcome to become members of the library. The rights and obligations of a library member include respectful use of library materials and courteous conduct with other members and staff.
The circulation period for materials is two weeks. Extensions may be granted by contacting the library. Members may be contacted by library staff and board members to publicize library programs and solicit donations. Members may opt out by contacting the library. Only library staff will contact members about material use, i.e. notifying members materials are available for borrowing or overdue.
Fines on overdue materials are not collected. If an item is missing, damaged, or overdue by more than 4 weeks, the responsible member is expected to replace the item at full retail value. Meanwhile, all lending privileges will be suspended until the matter is resolved.
Parents and guardians are legally and financially responsible for their children until the age of 18. Regardless of age, an individual’s library account and records will be treated in a confidential manner in accordance with state law.
Programming: Suggestions for programming are welcome and will be accommodated subject to the schedule of the library. A wide and varied selectionof programs is offered to allow members to participate in events that appeal to them. Not all programs will be suitable for all members.
Personal property: Members are responsible for their property. The library staff cannot guarantee the security of valuables. Care must be taken to keep the floor clear for the safe passage of others.
Reference Services: Reference services will be delivered according to the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics and Library Bill of Rights. Requests will be handled in the order in which they are received. Should a request require a lengthier review of materials, members will be contacted with the results of their inquiry as the library schedule permits. Members will be directed to materials to complete in depth self-directed research.
Telecommunications, Audio, and Photography: Headphones are required for members listening to audio on electronic devices. Filming or photographing someone without their permission is not permitted. Library staff and volunteers will take photos at events and during normal business. Individuals will not be identified by name without their prior consent. Minors will not be identified nor faces shown without their parent’s or guardian’s prior consent.
Technology Assistance: Staff members are not authorized to make purchases for or act as an intermediary between members and the marketplace (i.e. online shopping). Staff may not be given a member’s personal credentials such as user name, password or credit card information. Guidance about the use of a member’s personal device will be limited to basic programs. Staff are not liable for any damage caused to a member’s computer or similar device when advising about its use.
Unattended Children: The library is not responsible for children who are left unattended on library premises. Children aged 10 and older may be unsupervised provided that: they are able to behave appropriately and the length of time they are left alone does not exceed the child’s comfort level. Children must be collected or authorized to walk home before the closing of the library. Children are the legal responsibility of their parent /legal guardian. They must have an emergency contact available who can collect them on short notice.
Volunteering: There are short and long term opportunities to volunteer at the library. Please contact the director to find out more.