Support the Library
Small libraries like ours survive on the generosity and support of the community. We rely on our patrons and friends to support us through financial contributions, donated materials and volunteer work.
While the Somesville Library Association gratefully receives support from the Town of Mount Desert, the majority of our operational and programming funds must be raised. We hold two major fund-raising efforts each year: our annual Books and Blueberries Sale in August and our Annual Appeal in November.
Annual Appeal
Each November, we send out an Annual Appeal to our patrons, supporters and local residents, and rely on the generosity of our visitors to help us continue our good works. We are happy to accept any donation throughout the year, and as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, acknowledge gifts in writing.
Dear Friends,
Over the past year, concerts, book clubs, STEM programs, a sunny meeting room, soup nights, silly food competitions, summer reading programs, Tai Chi, good books and more have drawn people to the library. Babies have wriggled through their first story-times, children have trick or treated for books and sweets, families have explored our neighborhood on nature walks, and long-time residents have reclined in comfortable chairs while catching up on their reading. Somesville Library welcomes everyone to join the library for a day or a lifetime.
More and more people are using the library to gather, play and learn. The children’s book collection has been updated. A new Teen Graphic novel collection has joined the shelves alongside old classics. The meeting room has become a gathering spot for local community groups. A steady selection of bestsellers is available without long reserve times. The historic library exterior has been refreshed.
To offer more programs, more services, preserve the building, and sustain a steady supply of new books, we need your help. The Somesville Library Association’s annual budget is less than $45,000. Your donation counts. The generosity of donors helps the Somesville Library Association serve our community as a place to meet, share and connect.
For the Board of Trustees,
Meghan Clark McDaniel
2022-3 Town Funding Letter
The Board of Trustees of the Somesville Library Association would like to honor and thank Thomas Lange for his 22 years of service. Tom has retired but continues to offer his wise counsel and substitutes as needed. He helped the library weather the storm of Covid-19 and left it in beautiful condition for the future. For over 125 years, The Somesville Library Association has provided services to the year round and seasonal community. Tom has ensured that the library will continue to thrive.
After Tom’s retirement, Director Meghan Clark McDaniel, M.A. library and information science, was hired in September. I have over 20 years of experience working in large and small libraries. My family and I live in Somesville and are pleased to be part of village life.
Until August, the library offered regular circulation services with limited programming. The mask policy has been aligned to the masking requirements of the local school district. August marked a return to the Books and Blueberries sale which was well attended and an important source of financial support. An ice cream social celebrated Tom’s retirement. Bi-monthly story-times were introduced in September to welcome children back to the library. Halloween was a popular event in the village with over 50 children trick or treating for books and treats. Community building evenings including pizza and pumpkin decorating, open house, and gratitude trees have revived programming curtailed due to the pandemic. Stop into the library to learn about upcoming programs or to suggest an addition to the collection.
The collection continues to grow with a focus on popular fiction but also includes collections of the latest bestseller non-fiction, juvenile, board book, young adult and Maine books. WIFI internet access is available throughout the grounds as well as wireless printing. The meeting room is available for use by outside groups by application and is a fine workspace with a beautiful view during open hours.
Looking ahead, the library plans to begin weekly story-times, revive the winter monthly Soup and Bread nights, and offer regular programming for the entertainment of all ages. Interview prep and resume review will also be offered. For the first time in several years, the library will offer an adult and children’s summer reading program. Also look for a July 29, 2023 open house art exhibit in partnership with the Gallery at Somes Sound.
Donations of books are welcomed for the ongoing year round book sale and for the upcoming Books and Blueberries sale in August 2023. Volunteers are welcome to keep the collection in fine shape and to assist with some programming. Call 244-7404 for more information, or to volunteer.
Stay in contact through our website www.somesvillelibrary.org, Facebook and Instagram @ somesville.library. The library remains open on Wednesdays from 1-6 and Saturdays from 9-2. Popup programming during school holidays may be offered during closed hours.
We thank the Mount Desert Island Community and the Town of Mount Desert for all the generous support that we have received.
Respectfully submitted for the Board of Trustees,
Meghan Clark McDaniel
Community volunteers support the mission and operations of our library. These dedicated volunteers help with administrative tasks, programs and events, and fundraising.
If you have an hour, a day, or a season, we can find a way to use your talents. Our librarian will be happy to train you for projects taking from a few hours to a few weeks.
Contact the library today!